• Past Event: 24th Mar 2022
  • Event Press

SEM join forces with Coventry University to slay Water Dragons competition

Sustainable Wastewater Treatment for Metal Recovery

SEM attended the finals of the Water Dragons competition, by the Future Water Association with the innovative sustainable technology project “A Wee DRAM”.

The “A Wee DRAM” project in collaboration with Coventry University applies SEM patented DRAM wastewater filtration technology to biologically recover precious metals and nutrients from wastewater treatment plants and industrial effluents. As Daniel Ray of Coventry University explained “We have combined the DRAM technology with bioleaching, a process which utilises micro-organisms to make metals soluble, releasing them into the solution.”

Bioleaching: a Green Wastewater Technology

The significant benefits of “A Wee DRAM” have been summarised by our Lead Scientist, Dr Leigh Cassidy “Each ton of metal extracted by traditional mining methods emits approximately 25.6 tons CO2 equivalent, with the UK producing approximately 1.5 million tons of sewage sludge. If 1% of that is composed of metal, then 15,000 tons of metal can be recovered, equating to a carbon saving of 384,000 tons of CO2 equivalent. By re-using metal that is already in circulation, we can reduce the demand for new virgin metals, and thus the need for these mines.”

Grant Leslie, our Co-founder and COO added: “We are very proud of Leigh and Daniel’s success in the Water Dragons competition. It showcases our capabilities in developing sustainable technology and implementing processes which contribute towards achieving the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.”

SEM as a sustainable technology solutions company collaborates with stakeholders across the agriculture, aquaculture, distillery and biogas markets to implement tailored end-to-end solutions for the treatment of waste products and wastewater, the recovery of nutrients, and the generation of valuable new by-products.

Read the full story here.

If you are interested in pioneering waste management solutions, please contact us.
