We understand the challenges involved in processing digestate – handling, storage, transportation and land application. We also know what the picture looks like if we don’t take action to resolve these challenges.
Our H2OPE AD technology is designed to minimise the impact of handling digestate on the environment, whilst optimising the valuable nutrients into saleable by-products.
The on-site, zero-waste, energy efficient digestate treatment technology delivers a viable, sustainable option when it comes to digestate treatment.
Generating saleable by-products is H2OPE AD’s most significant commercial advantage. It also delivers on waste reduction, optimised waste management and disposal and pollution control – adding value as part and parcel of the process.
What’s more, water is also treated and polished to provide clean water which is able to be discharged safely to the environment or re-used.
The H2OPE AD process produces competitively priced liquid natural fertiliser which can be easily applied on farmland with already available machinery. This mitigates many of the issues surrounding the spreading of slurry on agricultural land, including over nutrification of land and potential pollution of waterways. Almost all water is removed, enabling economical transportation to the rest of the UK, Europe or indeed globally.
By utilising dry matter, the H2OPE AD system produces a recycled, premium slow-release fertiliser or all-in-one growth media at a fraction of commodity prices. The fully customisable growth media can be used in growing houses and vertical farming environments, providing a fully circular process.
The dry matter from slurry treatment can also be repurposed into 100% biodegradable plant pots for use on a commercial and wholesale level, eliminating the use of plastic. The 100% peat and coir-free pots provide a sustainable alternative to plastic pots which are traditionally manufactured from HDPE which has a carbon footprint of 6kg CO2 per kilogram of plastic!
Our H2OPE AD process effectively separates the water fraction from digestate. The system cleans and polishes the water so that it can be safely discharged to the environment or reused in the AD process.